The Opening Session began with introductory remarks on road safety by His Majesty the King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf. The host of the conference, the Swedish Minister for Infrastructure Mr. Tomas Eneroth, then welcomed everyone and introduced the remaining participants of the opening ceremony.
Those who started the day were, among others, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization; Adina-Ioana Vălean, Transport Commissioner of the European Union; Amani Abou-Zeid, Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy of the African Union Commission; Vladimir Kolokoltsev, Minister of Internal Affairs from Russia and Omnia El Omrani, Co-Chair of the 2nd World Youth Assembly for Road Safety.
Omnia’s Powerful Statement
Your Royal Highness
Distinguished chairperson,
Your Excellencies,
Honourable delegates,
Young delegates!
Yesterday, young leaders from all across the world came together for the 2nd World Youth Assembly for Road Safety. We represent more than 74 countries from all walks of life. Students, young professionals, grassroots organizers, artists, future leaders and future doctors like myself.
But for many of us, before our dreams are realized, we are taken from the world because of road crashes. Can I ask all youth leaders to please stand up for a minute? I would like everybody to recognize that the number of young people standing up now is the same number of young people who will have lost their lives on the roads just before lunch.
Today, I stand in front of you with a unified global message; enough is enough! We will no longer tolerate any more people dying on the world’s roads. Today, we say hear our cry. It comes from young people from every continent of the world. It’s time to stop killing our dreams! We as young people, especially in low-middle income countries, have seen and felt the devastating impact of road crashes on our families, friends and communities.
At the Assembly, we adopted the Global Youth Statement for Road Safety representing the voice of thousands of young people who demand safer and more sustainable roads and cities. The Statement is rooted in the Youth Consultations that took place all across the world where young people held discussions, debates and answered important questions about how safe they feel on the roads. Have a look at how many young people engaged in more than 200 consultations in 55 countries.
Our Global Youth Statement expresses clearly that the reality we face is due to badly designed systems that put the priority of cars first and people second. Going to school, to work or to visit friends is a daily risk for many of us. We demand safe and sustainable transport that promotes healthier lifestyles and reduces our impact on the environment.
While I’m optimistic about the future and building my career as a doctor, there is a deep sense of uncertainty. The reason I want to become a doctor is to help people, but who will help us on the roads? When there is a disease, we develop a vaccine. We can see right now with the Corona Virus outbreak that the world is coming together to take urgent action. Funding is made available, medical teams are ready, governments get active but I ask you today, where is the same urgency for road crashes?
As youth, we care about real issues that are impacting our future most. It is our decision and we want to live in a world that will save us and our planet… but we need your help. I urge you to pick up our Youth Statement and read it, hear what youth have to say, our demands but also our commitments to take action.
The need for intergenerational dialogue and mutual support is crucial so that we leave no one behind.
Clearly past decisions have led to the carnage we see on the roads today. The mobility system has never been broken, it was designed around the use of private motor vehicles; and countless industries were developed based on this.
Today we say, stop blaming us for the mess that was created and start protecting us and engaging with us to re-think the mobility systems that we all share.
Today, we are claiming our space at the decision-making table. We will no longer accept being marginalized. We ask that you start treating young people as equal partners for the global goals for safe mobility.
We, as youth, have an imminent role to play in the road safety revolution and we say join us. We have boundless energy, creativity and passion. I believe that together with your political will, we will make powerful allies to fight this road crash epidemic.
As the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety comes to an end, it is now time to close the implementation gap and accelerate action on the proven evidence-based strategies for road safety. There is an urgent need for multidisciplinary collaboration and effective leadership across all sectors to reduce road traffic deaths and injuries.
We are not just the tragic news stories you see on the TV or the newspapers. We are not just another statistic. We are your children, your sons and daughters, the ones you say you value most.
It’s time for real action, no more false promises or fake commitments. You have to pick a lane:
Will you work with us to save lives? Will you work with us to create a healthier world? Will you work with us and commit to a higher moral standard?
Or will you confess to your children in 2030 that you did nothing to stop this global road safety crisis?
We are the generation that will be impacted most by the decisions made today. As the youth of the world, we are a key stakeholder in the global agenda for road safety, and we are here to claim our space.
We call upon all stakeholders, including Member States and WHO to endorse the Global Youth Statement and our demands. We are here in large numbers, you can recognize us by our colorful hoodies, ready to engage with you.
Let's get this done and make us the last generation facing this global road safety crisis!