High-Level Meeting
The High-Level Meeting on Road Safety took place last June 30 - July 1st at the United Nations HQ, in New York City. We held three specific actions here; led an art exhibition featuring six different pieces inspired by the #ClaimingOurSpace Campaign, hosted a side event to launch a policymaker's toolkit that lists guidelines on HOW and WHERE to engage with young people in road safety, and participated in the HLM Agenda as speakers and delegates. In all these actions, we highlighted youth voices we gathered throughout the campaign and show local and global leaders that youth are capable of leading change.
“Stop blaming us, start Engaging us.”
event gallery

Photos by Arnaldo (Tito) Cepeda | Edits by Lisa Russell (Create2030)
Six youth artists from Argentina, Brazil, Jordan, Nigeria, India, and South Africa, curated by Emmy-Award-winning Lisa Russell, offer you thought-provoking pieces through video, dance, performance and visual art to stimulate intergenerational dialogue. We implore decision-makers to partner with us to tackle this global crisis. Will you work with us? Check out the artwork below!