Awareness for CommercIal MotorcyClIsts

by Marwa Chacha Magoti from tanzania


The goal of the “Road Safety Awareness: Commercial Motorcyclists in Dodoma, Tanzania” Project is to reduce road serious injuries and deaths caused by commercial motorcycles on the road through broad public awareness campaigns and safety training for commercial motorcycle drivers aged between 18 -35.

The project will target commercial motorcycle drivers and motorcycle association groups in parking venues on trunk roads and selected training centers to educate and inform them about road safety. The project will also involve students from select schools and universities and invite them to create and join safety clubs in Dodoma, Tanzania. Attention on road safety and motorcycle use will be promoted through social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Mass Media, Histogram, WhatsApp, and Zoom.

The project aims to change road safety policies by implementing the safe system approach and prioritizing interventions for motorcycle drivers that will address issues like speeding, fatigue, distractions, drinking alcohol, and helmet use. Private companies will also be invited to partner with public stakeholders to better address commercial motorcycle safety.

Photo from The University of Manchester Global Development Institute Global Development Institute Blog




Marwa is 31 years old and currently works as an automobile engineer. He also works with the Ministry of Works and Transport in Tanzania as a transport safety Officer in the Directorate of Transport, Environment, and Safety.

He is a Ph.D. candidate at Hasselt University and the National Institute of Transport (NIT) in Tanzania. He was first employed in TEMESA, Tanzania in 2018 where he then proceeded to the University of Hasselt, Belgium for his Master’s program in Transport Science in Traffic Safety. He graduated in 2021 with distinction. He went to Austria for an internship at St. Polten University of Applied Sciences (UAS).

Traffic safety awareness is a top priority for Marwa. He wants to lead interventions that can enhance safety cultures which will help reduce serious road traffic injuries and fatalities in the community.





Ministry of Works and Transport

The Ministry of Works and Transport is potential parterner organaization will support fastening changing the policy which includes motorcycles safety policy and provide sustainable expansion of project in Dodoma and national level.

The Ministry is responsible for  Roads, Bridges, Ferries and Mechanical Matters, Public Works and Government Buildings; Engineering and Design Works, Material Laboratory, Airports Development; and other transport systems.