The project "Bike To School" emerged from the CARS Indonesia members’ concern about the increasing number of underage drivers, specifically motorcycle riders at the junior high school level, who often aren't old enough to legally have a driver's license.
To address this, the group we organize some road safety themed activities partner with SMPN 1 Kertosono, a form of students' training which are made up of creative competitions (e.g. speech, news reading, stuff decorating), and advocacy. With this action, Nikita and her team aims to increase the students' awareness and willingness to obey traffic rules. The project is being implemented with the collaborated with local police (Polsek Kertosono) and local cyclist community (Kertosono Bersepeda “KOBERS”)
The project will also convey these aspirations to the authorities regarding facilities that could increase the sense of security for riding a bicycle to school so that they would choose cycling instead of riding their motorbikes. The project will also ideally lead to a collaboration with one of the junior high schools in Kertosono District, East Java, in terms of the "One Day Bike To School" activity policy where there is one day within the agreed timeframe, students ride their bicycles to school together.
The goal of the project is contribute to reducing the number of underage drivers by raising awareness, promoting and advocating for cycling to school among junior high school students of Nganjuk by December 2022.
Nikita is an undergraduate second year student of Faculty of Medicine at Padjadjaran University. She is currently an active member of Center for Youth Action Road Safety (CARS) Indonesia which aims to help improve and expand our mission in sharing about road safety, especially for youths. She is also a member in medical students organization named CIMSA FK UNPAD, focused in research and exchange.
As a medical student, Nikita learned that everyone's health is an important thing that we would have to be aware of. She began to realize that there are many cases of accidents and even student deaths in my country, Indonesia, both as perpetrators and victims.
Local actions project uses film to raise awareness on helmet use in Indonesia
In her Local Actions project, Nikita Luthfi Adriyana and her team look to raise awareness of the increase of underage motorcycle drivers at the junior high school level. The current phase of the project is around the creation of a short video that addresses the risks of underage driving.
cars indonesia
CARS Indonesia: Center for Youth Actions on Road Safety Indonesia, is an independent, non-profit and non-governmental youth organization, consisting of students and practitioners in the health field that are concerned about road safety issues. CARS Indonesia focuses its activities on education and advocacy activities to achieve the mission of “Through youths' actions for safer and healthier roads!”. First formed in 2018, this organization was first initiated by the Road Safety Working Group under Health System Research Center, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran in Bandung, Indonesia. Numerous activities have been conducted. Those are, campaigns on Safe Driving for the public of Bandung through talk shows, awareness and educational medias on roads, became surveyors in a research project under Bloomberg Initiatives for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) in cooperation with John Hopkins International Injury Research Unit (JHIIRU) and Faculty of Medicine Unpad.
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