Infrastructure Improvement at Lusakasa School


The Local Actions team behind the “Advancing Lower Speeds in Lusaka” project has successfully implemented one of their project’s goals which seeks to create road infrastructure improvements at Lusaka Primary School.

The roads initially had no pedestrians and barriers between the highway and the sidewalk. There were also no measures that helped reduce vehicle speed to protect students on their way to and from school.

To kick start the infrastructure development initiative, the team met with key stakeholders in consultative meetings where they helped identify existing high-risk pedestrian areas in the city and assessed the school zone of the area to support their proposal for safer road infrastructure.


The infrastructure developments include the installation of traffic signs, painted pedestrian crossings and road markings, placed bollards strategically, and a strategic speed hump placed to help reduce and control motor vehicle speed in the school zone.

Through these developments, project leader Chilekwa O’Brien and his team was able to promote a safer environment for students and other road users. It also sought to improve traffic awareness and demarcate safe pathways for pedestrians, especially school kids.

”We are pleased with the positive impact these improvements will have in advancing slow pedestrian speeds at the School.” - Chilekwa O’Brien

Maolin Macatangay