Local Actions applications cap off with 238 applications


Our call for applications for Local Actions 2023 came to a close earlier this week on January 22. After just a little over a month, we received 238 applications from nearly 50 countries around the world. 

From the second round of Youth Consultations, we were able to identify project priorities our members could focus on. These include; community mobilization, peer-to-peer engagement, infrastructure change, and advocacy. 

The results of the applications will be shared through our channels after two to three weeks after our panel has reviewed and assessed all the submissions. 


This year is the third call for proposals we launched since 2021. At this point, we have funded and supported 32 projects led by our young leaders from around the world. Each project is a step closer to the achievement of the targets listed in the Global Youth Statement for Road Safety and the new Decade of Action for Road Safety. 

The winners for this round will win €5,000, mentorship from the Youth Coalition, access to partners, capacity development sessions, and more.

Keep an eye on our socials to find out who the winners would be. #ClaimingOurSpace

Maolin Macatangay