3. You are fond of arts and creativity. Tell us about how you employ art to spread road safety awareness.
As an artist and as someone working with a youth network of creatives, I and my team have continuously explored the potential of the arts in creating social change. We believe that art is a powerful communication and advocacy tool that empowers people to speak their power. They use these non-violent and peaceful creative activism interventions in the form of words, lyrics, visuals, and performances.
Within the creative component during the World Youth Assembly for Road Safety in 2020, I realized that art could potentially be used to create awareness about the dangers youth face on our roads. I saw that it can also be used to communicate the urgency for youth participation and intervention to reduce road crashes, change attitudes towards road safety measures, and influence policies that make traveling safe and possible for all ages and user groups, in order to reduce the number of road injuries and deaths globally.
Because of this, all my Local Actions have had an artistic component in them as a strategy to massively mobilize, organize, and rally young people in Uganda to claim their right to safer roads. The project encouraged youth to meaningfully interact with our campaign activities and kept them engaged through fun-filled and life-changing actions like rap music, spoken word, dance, film, social media tools, and digital platforms. We have used these creative expressions to relay information on women’s rights and road safety with powerful advocacy and awareness creation messages.