Move4Change: Meet our panelists!

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The Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety, FIA Foundation, and Restless Development are partnering up to lead Move4Change: Mobilising youth for the converging agendas of sustainable mobility, air quality, and climate change – an official side event under All4Climate under Pre-COP or the Conference of Parties. 

Happening this Thursday, September 30, at 3 PM CET, the event will bring together youth leaders, policymakers, and decision-makers from around the world to talk about the environment, climate action, public health, and road safety. 

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Included in the event is a panel discussion on mobilizing youth for converging the agendas of safe, active, sustainable mobility, and air quality for tackling climate change. The speakers include Omnia el Omrani from the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety and the International Federation for Medical Student’s Association (IFMSA), Maíne Celidonio – the Secretary of Mobility of Rio de Janeiro, Andrea San Gil from the Center for Urban Sustainability in Costa Rica, Welmoed Neijmeijer from Micro-Mobility for Europe, and Prarthana Borah from Clean Air Asia. 

Learn more about our panelists: 


Andrea San Gil

Andrea is passionate about people, cities and nature, trying to reduce social vulnerability and increasing quality of life in cities through sustainable and regenerative solutions. She is the Founder and Chair of the Center for Urban Sustainability in Costa Rica,
Co-Founder of Agile City Partners and part of the team behind the Global Partnership for Informal Transportation. She has over a decade of experience working with governments, international cooperation, civil society and the private sector.


Maíne Celidonio

Maína Celidonio holds a PhD in Economics at PUC-Rio and currently works as Secretary of Transport of the City of Rio de Janeiro. Graduated in Economics from PUC-Rio, has a master's degree in Economics with an emphasis on Labor Studies and Social Policies.

She was the director of the Department of Economic Development at Instituto Pereira Passos and analyst in Impact Assessment for Project Management at Itaú Unibanco.


omnia el omrani

Omnia El Omrani is a young medical doctor at Ain Shams University in Egypt. She is currently serving as the Liaison Officer for Public Health Issues for the International Federation of Medical Students’ Association, representing the voice of more than 1.3 million medical students from 140 countries worldwide. She is leading IFMSA’s external work in the areas of climate change, planetary health and non-communicable diseases as the organization’s focal point to the United Nations Framework on Climate Change and the WHO Climate Change Unit.


Prarthana Borah

Prarthana has over two decades of experience in strategic planning and management of large budget projects on Air Pollution, Climate Change, Biodiversity Conservation, and Education for Sustainable Development. She is an experienced facilitator of partnerships for environmental and development issues between and with governments, donors, civil society, and the private sector to influence policy and action. Prarthana is currently India Director of INGO Clean Air Asia where she is responsible for leading a team of researchers, scientists, and managers.


Welmoed Neijmeijer

Welmoed Neijmeijer is Co-Chair of Micro-mobility for Europe and Head of Public Policy at Bolt. Welmoed is passionate about helping people live more sustainably and believes businesses are in a great position to reduce impact on the environment by helping people to make more conscious choices such as offering sustainable products and services or by supporting a transition to a more sustainable lifestyle.  Micro-Mobility for Europe is a coalition of shared micro-mobility providers such as short-term rental of electric scooters.


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Maolin Macatangay