Road safety course in development to understand travel patterns in Belgium


Local actins winner, Linda Nekesa and her team from Hasselt University developed and conducted needs assessment surveys to better understand the travel patterns and common safety-related issues experienced by international students in Belgium.

Through the local actions project, Hasselt University plans to improve mobility within and around the campus. Linda and her team are working with Hasselt to address the issues they gathered from the survey. After creating a plan, Linda and her team started contacting and onboarding stakeholders to solidify partnerships.


The plan was to create a road safety course to educate students on the mobility issues within the University.

The groups are working together to ensure the sustainability of the road safety course throughout the subsequent years. The first step is to raise awareness within the university. For this, the team has secured a time slot in an orientation where they discussed the results they gathered from the survey and the planned action the university and the local actions teams will take. 


The local actions team and the university have also created internships for students in the transportation sciences program to participate in the local actions project. The students who decide to go with the internship will work on sustainability proposals and support the #MovingSafe2HasseltUniversity project.

To further the course, the team will use the results based on the initial survey they conducted. There are currently eleven volunteers to support the implementation of the project. 

Maolin Macatangay