Regional leader Sana' Khasawneh leads youth challenge during Movin' On Summit


Last Tuesday to Friday, June 1 to 4, independent and non-profit organization Movin’ On launched the Movin’ On Summit with the theme “from ambition to action”. The goal of the summit is to inspire, connect, and engage mobility stakeholders in collective action and to create and implement concrete solutions for more mobility with less dangerous impacts on the environment, society, and the community. 

The summit was a “phygital experience” that featured both live and streamed content from 250 public and private organizations and 80 world-class speakers.


Held in Montreal, Paris, and Singapore, the summit was streamed live through three formats; live television, satellites, and capsules. It also featured a number of global leaders that include Omar Abbosh, Oscar de Bok, JeanLaurent Bonnafé, Xavier Huillard, Ilham Kadri, Patrick Koller, Florent Menegauz, Luca de Meo, Rodolphe Saadé, and Julie Sweet.


YOURS – Youth for Road Safety Executive Director, Floor Lieshout, also spoke during the summit to talk about ensuring road safety through policies and meaningful youth involvement. 

Put low-speed streets at the heart of our communities. We are calling for a paradigm shift
— Floor Lieshout

The summit featured three international challenges; the Movin’ On Startup Booster, the Movin’ On Challenge Design, and the Movin’ On Youth Challenge. 


Global Youth Coalition regional leader, Sana’ Khasawneh, led the Youth Challenge Hackathon. The Youth Challenge highlights the importance of engaging young people in the thought process and leadership roles in efforts toward sustainable mobility and climate action. 

“Movin’ On is committed to ensuring that we include young people in the conversation and the journey towards tackling some of the world’s biggest mobility issues as defined by the 2021 Summit’s five combats.” 


During the summit, Sana’ and her team created a plan that presents the future of mobility. Their plans took into account different factors like government policies, financing, the social responsibilities of the private sector, mobility platforms for young people, and youth-led approaches and innovation programs. 


They presented their ideas to the global jury who will assess the different proposals from the different youth groups. 

"The spirit of the Movin’ On Summit is to address together issues and topics from different points of view and reach collective conclusions and actions!" – Florent Menegaux 


Maolin Macatangay