What is COP26 and how does it affect youth and road safety?


The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) is currently underway, beginning from 31 October until 12 November. News about the Conference has dominated local and global headlines, highlighting the call of different sectors to take action in regard to the climate crisis. But what exactly is COP26?

Conference of the Parties (COP26) 
COP26 is a formal negotiation session for different countries from around the world to advance their climate commitments and actions. It also serves as a forum for stakeholders, partners, and other sectors to gather and talk about the challenges and issues brought on by the climate crisis while also exploring and discussing potential solutions that can be applied and implemented. 


Pre-events for COP26 which include Pre-COP and the Conference of Youth (COY16) were launched to bring together youth leaders, policymakers, and decision-makers to gather on-the-ground issues around the climate situation through the experiences of different countries. 

The intergenerational dialogues held before COP26 resulted in statements from different organizations that present the main climate concerns groups and individuals face. It also puts forward recommendations and solutions on how to address the worsening conditions of climate change.


COP26 and its role for youth and road safety
The Global Youth Coalition participated in pre-events for COP26 which includes Move4Change: Mobilizing youth for the converging agendas of sustainable mobility, air quality, and climate change. The session featured speakers from different sectors to talk about how transportation and mobility connect with climate. 

The session highlighted the importance of having better modes of transport to create cities that are cleaner, greener, and healthier. Panelists also emphasized the importance of building sustainable cities that will facilitate more alternative modes of transport and lead to more livable streets. 


During COP26, the Coalition will be represented by one of its members, Omnia El Omrani.

Omnia is bringing a Climate Policy Brief created by the Coalition’s SDG Champions to share with the attendees and delegates of the Conference. The Policy Brief brings attention to one of the climate demands listed in the Global Youth Statement that says There is No Planet B! 

COP26 will be a way to elevate the demands of young people when it comes to climate, road safety, and other development issues. Through the Global Youth Statement and our Policy Brief, we will elevate the struggles youth face in terms of road safety and other key issues under it; public health, education, inequalities, sustainable cities, and climate change. 

Maolin Macatangay