YOURS and the Coalition featured during Road Safety Week in the Dominican Republic
The Instituto Nacional de Tránsito y Transporte Terrestre – Int or National Institute of Traffic and Land Transportation – International joined Road Safety Week in the Dominican Republic by hosting a conversation on road safety, specifically on Las Carreras Ilegales en Motocicletas or Illegal Racing on Motorcycles.
The intervention was addressed mostly to young men who are or have been involved in motorcycle races which put road users’ lives at risk. “It’s necessary to raise awareness among them and make them part of the change in road safety and mobility areas.”
The online conversation was held last week, 17 November, where road safety leaders came together for Semana de la Seguridad Vial. Representatives from the USAID Project, Young Alert, National School of Education, and YOURS – Youth for Road Safety.
YOURS was represented by Global Youth Coalition Youth Advisory Board Member, Esteban Paredes.
During his discussion, Esteban talked about the efforts of YOURS in keeping the roads safer for youth everywhere by empowering youth and involving them in meaningful participation and gave particular attention to the work YOURS has been doing with youth in South America.
Esteban also raised the necessity of a paradigm shift, pointing out that a new perspective that involves youth will be more effective.
“We need a paradigm shift that pulls away from the traditional approach where we blame youth and, instead, turn to a system approach that puts young road users in the center. We need to see youth as assets for development”