Impact generator challenge winners
For the 2nd World Youth Assembly for Road Safety, all young delegates were invited to present original, impactful, and innovative projects to address the most urgent and pressing needs outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These projects addressed topics such as environment, human rights, health, sustainable cities, equality and any other SDG that had a connection with road safety. Meet the winners and learn more about their projects by clicking the videos below!
what the winners got
Winners of the project received support from the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety in terms of three main aspects:
Seed funding: The Youth Coalition provided € 5000 for each winner during the course of their 12-month project. However, the final amount of funding depended on a number of factors, which included consideration of a proposed scope of work vis-a-vis capacity of the winner’s organization.
Project Plan: The Youth Coalition will support the winners throughout the development of a ‘Project Plan’, the road map to the success of the project. With the project management templates, the Youth Coalition staff will guide winners thru strong objectives and activities, that will ensure the success of the winning projects.
Mentorship: The Youth Coalition will continue to assess the winning team and will help identify the key areas that would need some support to continuously strengthen the skills and abilities needed to ensure the success of the projects. The mentorship would be in areas such as communication, fundraising, networking, youth participation and any other area identified.
Winners of the Impact Generator Challenge where these youth champions proposed original, impactful, and innovative projects to address the most urgent and pressing needs outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals. Awarded during the 2nd World Youth Assembly for Road Safety, 18 February 2020 at Stockholm, Sweden.