Call for Applications


Join Local Actions 2025! 🚀

The Call for Proposals for Local Actions 2025 is now open! This is your opportunity to develop innovative, community-driven projects that address key road safety challenges, aligned with the Global Youth Statement for Road Safety and the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030.

How to apply?

It’s simple, just follow these three easy steps:



A Local Action is a youth-led grassroots project designed to address evidence-based road safety and sustainable mobility.

These projects are short- to mid-term initiatives that drive tangible change by improving safety, accessibility, and sustainability in transportation systems.

Projects are conceived, led, and implemented by young people taking active leadership roles in their communities. The projects should focus on: 

  • Sustainable, Inclusive and Active Mobility (SIAM) solutions 

  • Motorcycle Safety

  • Speed reduction


This session covers everything you need to know about Local Actions. You'll learn what makes a strong project proposal and how to structure yours effectively. Through real examples and insights from past winners, you'll gain practical tips to improve your chances of success. What you’ll get:

  • A step-by-step guide to crafting a winning proposal

  • Expert advice from previous winners

  • Common mistakes to avoid

  • This year’s priority themes and focus areas



Projects will be evaluated based on the criteria presented in the Local Actions Guidelines. Mandatory requirements are non-negotiable.

The Mandatary Components are as follows; 

  1. You must be an official member of the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety. If you aren’t yet, please sign up here.

  2. Take at least three modules of YOURS Academy, and provide three certificates accordingly.

  3. Have a partner organisation supporting and sharing accountability for the project implementation.

  4. You must be available to attend an Online Local Actions Residency Programme.

Need Help with the New Platform?


Need help with the new platform?

Watch the tutorial for a step-by-step guide on how to navigate it!

You’ll learn how to submit your proposal, track your progress, and make the most of all available features. Please note that all proposals must be submitted through the designated Application Platform. Submissions sent through other channels will not be considered.


Click the question to get the answer

TĂ­tulo ExpansĂ­vel

- Will all the team members who participate in the project need to meet the requirements?â–Ľ

Only the person submitting the proposal needs to meet the requirements. However, all team members are encouraged to fulfil the requirements to ensure they have the necessary road safety knowledge.

- Can a university be a partner organisation?â–Ľ

Each person can only submit one proposal, but as a team member, you can participate in different projects.

- Do proposals need to be submitted in English?â–Ľ

Yes. English is the official language of the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety. All processes and documents must also be submitted in English.

- Where do we apply to become a member of the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety?â–Ľ

Go to Please consider the acceptance process could take a week. Continue preparing your Local Actions proposal during this time.

- Can we submit the same proposal multiple times? â–Ľ

No. If the same proposal is submitted more than once by the same or multiple applicants, neither will be considered.

- Can I submit the project with other themes or approaches? â–Ľ

The Project must follow the criteria in the Local Actions Guidelines.

- How many proposals do you select per year? â–Ľ

It depends on the quality of projects and the budget available. However, we usually fund around 15 projects

- Can I reside in one country and propose a project in another? â–Ľ

Yes, but we encourage you to develop projects in your own country or community so that you can use your lived-in experience to craft an effective and impactful solution that addresses a road safety issue that you have been able to observe and live through.

- Does one receive confirmation after joining the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety? â–Ľ

Yes. Whether you are accepted or rejected, you will receive a notification email.

- Is it necessary for all individuals involved in the project to be young people?â–Ľ

The project leader should be a young person aged between 18 and 35. Nevertheless, it is acceptable to have team members beyond the age of 35. Projects that actively involve youth, whether as implementers or target audiences, will receive better evaluations and have increased chances of being selected.

- Is the education level of team members considered? â–Ľ

No. You do not need to meet any educational criteria to be qualified to lead or be part of a Local Action.

- Is gender issue considered for the team implementing the project? â–Ľ

The Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety embraces diversity and welcomes youth from all walks of life. The composition of project teams does not need to follow any specific pattern; it depends on the project's unique needs.

- Is there an age limit to who can apply for the Local Actions? â–Ľ

Yes, you must be between the ages of 18 and 35 as a member of the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety.

- Where can I get my YOURS Academy Certificates? â–Ľ

Login to and download your certificates. You DO NOT need to complete the “Need access for your Local Actions Application” form.

- What should I do if I do not have a YOURS Academy Account? â–Ľ

Visit, click "Need access for your Local Actions Application", and complete the form. You will be contacted and granted an account.