Global Youth Coalition Member Feature: Andrés Felipe Agudelo Ospina


1. Where are you connected at the moment? Tell us about the work you are doing.
I currently live in in Bello, Antioquia in Colombia. I am the president and founder of the Latin American Road Safety Association and am one of the creators of the local road safety plan, Bello 2020-2030. At the University of San Buenaventura Medellín, I supported the creation of the Safe Mobility Observatory within the Faculty of Law of this institution. From the business sector, we are aiding in the construction of strategic road safety plans within the companies as a way to help reduce mortality and road deaths within these areas.

2. How did you first get involved in road safety and how long have you been working in the field of road safety and sustainable mobility?
Our activism began in 2016 where we were initially involved in the creation of the Departmental Road Safety Agency of Antioquia. This was followed by the creation of the Latin American Road Safety Association which aims to unite professionals from different countries of the region who are also attached to a university. Within the organization, the team will work on continental research actions grounded on road safety.


3. Can you tell us a little about the situation of road safety and sustainable mobility in your area?
From the legal aspect, our country has regulations that don’t necessarily address the needs of youth in terms of road safety however, Colombia is currently making progress in the construction of its new National Road Safety Plan. Regarding Antioquia, a lot of work is being done to promote and invest in important actions between different municipalities of the territory to prioritize improvements in road infrastructure. It will also work on the introduction of the Safe System Approach to different local public policies on road safety.

4. Why do you think it is important to include young people in local and global road safety efforts?
Young people should be prioritized when we talk about road safety because they are the most affected when it comes to road crashes. In the same way, by involving young people in local road safety actions, they will be able to see and contribute to solutions that will protect youth and children in the region. We need to highlight the fact that young people are the future of the different nations and there is a need to involve them in actions that can affect their future. To do this, young people need to be involved in planning and implementing solutions for safer and more sustainable mobility.


5. Why did you join the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety?
I decided to join the World Youth Coalition for Road Safety because it is important to not only contribute to road safety efforts in my country, but also to the world. Together, we can lead actions that will allow us to promote road safety among young people and invite other youth leaders Latin Americans to join and support the cause.

6. What are your comments on the Coalition? Your activities? Your opportunities?
I believe that meeting young people from around the world who work with the same purpose is one of the best opportunities the Coalition provides because this motivates us to make unified efforts for road safety and mobility. The different activities the Coalition provides are essential for young people and other stakeholders to understand the importance and power of intergenerational partnerships and efforts can have on different advocacy and development efforts.

7. Any message for people who have not yet joined the Coalition?
My message is that by uniting more young people around the world with the same goal of saving lives on the roads, we can have a better impact in addressing this public health problem.