3. Can you tell us a little about the situation of road safety and sustainable mobility in your area?
From the legal aspect, our country has regulations that don’t necessarily address the needs of youth in terms of road safety however, Colombia is currently making progress in the construction of its new National Road Safety Plan. Regarding Antioquia, a lot of work is being done to promote and invest in important actions between different municipalities of the territory to prioritize improvements in road infrastructure. It will also work on the introduction of the Safe System Approach to different local public policies on road safety.
4. Why do you think it is important to include young people in local and global road safety efforts?
Young people should be prioritized when we talk about road safety because they are the most affected when it comes to road crashes. In the same way, by involving young people in local road safety actions, they will be able to see and contribute to solutions that will protect youth and children in the region. We need to highlight the fact that young people are the future of the different nations and there is a need to involve them in actions that can affect their future. To do this, young people need to be involved in planning and implementing solutions for safer and more sustainable mobility.