Global Youth Coalition Member Feature: Krisztina Szabo


1. Where are you connected right now? Tell us about the work you're doing.
Right now I’m working at a non-profit association that helps and supports the marginalized. Earlier this year, we finished finally all the paperwork for our new road safety NGO, Asociata: keep hope alive, where I’m the vice president.

2. How did you first get involved in road safety and how long have you been working in the road safety and sustainable mobility field? 
My boyfriend is an ex-motorcycle instructor and in 2013 he launched a local road safety campaign. I worked with him to promote road safety and from that year on, I’ve been participating in different road safety campaigns for kids, students, and young drivers.


3. Can you tell us a little bit about the road safety and sustainable mobility situation in your area?
Sadly Romania is one of the places with the highest count of road-related death in Europe where the most affected are pedestrians and cyclists. In our area, there are a lot of cars, trucks, and other vehicles. It only has a few bicycle paths - just around 60km of it and those are also in very bad conditions. There is a need to improve road infrastructure in our area.

4. Why do you think it's important to include young people in local and global road safety efforts?
It’s very important to start road safety education at an early age because this is key in the creation of a better and safer future. From an early age, we can show children the correct behavior, steps, attitudes, and responsibilities they need to apply to become responsible road users. We’ve said many times during our campaigns for young children that we hope that they learned and apply the right behavior when they’re on the road. This way, we hope that the road safety situation in Romania will change for the better.


5. Why did you join the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety? 
I joined the Coalition to meet with new young leaders in the field of road safety from around the world. I also wanted to create networks and make new collaborations to support our new road safety NGO.

6. What are your comments on the Coalition? Its activities? Its opportunities? 
I think that the Coalition network and getting involved in its activities is a great way to read about new partnerships, campaigns, best practices, and more.

7. Any messages for people who have not yet joined the coalition? 
My message is that, if you’re young and you’re working in the field of road safety or if you simply care about a safer future, please join the Coalition too. “You’re also a key for a safer future.”