BY Nikita Luthfi Adriyana
Padjadjaran Emergency Medical Services Model is an innovative post-crash response model that will be further developed by utilising and involving data and resources from learning institutions across Indonesia (like Padjadjaran University) which are dominant in the region (Jatinangor).
Post-crash response is crucial considering the high number of traffic crashes in Jatinangor, especially student fatalities, which are the largest population group living in the area. It is not uncommon for crashes to occur that would result in a loss of life. This, of course, takes away students' right to study safely.
Unsystematic emergency service plays a role as one of the factors that causes high road traffic fatalities. The lack of integration causes the crucial time for assistance to be extended and public confusion, especially to bystanders who wishes to help the victims.
This project will start with a brainstorming session with the local stakeholders, preparation of human resources, model testing, model socialization, and promotion of the model once approved by the government. It is hoped that this model can be implemented to increase the participation of youth and local stakeholders to jointly maintain the safety of students in the Jatinangor area