BY Jeffrey Leandro


The "PEDALEA SEGURO" project aims to revolutionise Lima, Peru's urban landscape by promoting cycling as a safe, efficient, and preferred mode of transportation.

Addressing the challenges of a low cycling rate (only 4.6% in 2023) and poor cycling infrastructure characterised by unsafe and disconnected bike lanes, the project proposes critical policy changes. These include improving cycling infrastructure with safe and segregated bike lanes, conducting public awareness and education campaigns to highlight the benefits of cycling and improve road safety awareness, forming partnerships for funding and infrastructure support, and utilising data-driven approaches for urban planning and infrastructure development.

The project's objectives are to create a comprehensive database for the city's bike lanes, partner with a local government to implement a connectivity or segregation bike lane project, and establish partnerships with local businesses to install bike parks.

Photo from DECISIO



Jeffrey is a passionate environmental advocate and biologist, serving as the leader of the "PEDALEA SEGURO" initiative through Red por la Convivencia Vial and Conservamos por Naturaleza SPDA.

His career is dedicated to promoting sustainable mobility and improving road safety, particularly in urban settings. Driven by the vision of transforming cities into safer, more accessible, and environmentally friendly communities, Jeffrey work tirelessly to advocate for better cycling infrastructure. His mission is to develop secure, interconnected urban spaces that prioritize well-being and environmental stewardship, reflecting my dedication to a safer, more sustainable future for our communities

”My journey into activism is profoundly personal, sparked by a devastating road incident that took the life of my girlfriend, Cecilia Melgar, while she was riding her bicycle. This heartbreaking experience was a turning point, compelling me to use my grief as a catalyst for change. β€œ



Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental

Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental (SPDA) is a non-profit civil association that has worked uninterruptedly in the promotion of environmental policies and legislation and in the design and implementation of instruments that promote sustainable development under principles of governance, equity and justice.

It focuses on the defense of environmental policies and sustainable development in Peru. They are particularly committed to financing the project's remuneration costs.