Building Back Better: Safer Roads and Sustainable Transport for Students
Earlier this August, the United Nations has declared the years 2021 to 2031 as the new Decade of Action for Road Safety.
The statistics show that, globally, young people aged 15-29 years old are most affected by road crashes. Young people from low to middle-income countries have higher risks of being injured or killed on the world’s roads. Unsafe vehicles, over speeding, pollution, and other road-related issues continue to pose a threat to young students who are working hard to get quality education.
Efforts Toward Building Back Better
To address and raise awareness on this pressing issue, the Child Health Initiative and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) are launching the Guidance on Safe and Healthy Journeys to School During Covid-19 and Beyond to talk about safe and sustainable transport and keeping students safe in their journey to school.
The guidance will educate and inform stakeholders about building back better and keeping students safe from the COVID Disease and from the dangers of the roads. The guidance will engage education authorities and policymakers, school administrators, teachers, staff, parents, caregivers, students, and other community members to identify solutions and suggest practical steps to build back better health and safety systems.
Through this guidance, Child Health Initiative and UNICEF want to help manage the risks posed by Covid-19 to ensure the safest and healthiest possible journey to school.
Everyone has a role to play in ensuring the safety of our students.
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