Coalition launches capacity development session on tactical urbanism

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On Wednesday, July 28. The Global Youth Coalition with NACTO - National Association of City Transportation Officials and GDCI – Global Designing Cities Initiative launched the seventh capacity development session on Tactical Urbanism for the members of the Coalition. 


The session sought to provide members with new skills and a better understanding of tactical urbanism and provide them with tips on how to create quick and effective urban interventions. The speakers of the event included Skye Duncan, Beatriz Rodrigues Andrade, and Jose Manuel Guzman – Tactical Urbanism Coordinator at Ciudad Emergente and member of the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety. 

The speakers talked about the importance of city design in ensuring the safety of pedestrians and other vulnerable road users. In her discussion, Skye talked about how cities and the structures around them can make cities more sustainable and livable.

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On the other hand, Beatriz shared her experiences with urban design. She talked about the challenges an individual or an organization can encounter in their efforts to redesign cities. She also gave tips on what techniques could be applied to address these issues and utilize the resources available for the best possible results.

Finally, Jose shared his experiences working on tactical urbanism as a young person. He shares how he is involved in the planning and implementation process. He also talked about his experiences and encouraged other members of the Coalition to get involved in urbanism.

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The session fits well with the theme of the 6th UN Global Road Safety Week (UNRSW) which focused on reducing speed limits to 30 km/h to create streets where people can walk, live, and play.

Get involved in future sessions by registering to become a member of the Coalition!

Maolin Macatangay