Disabled learners at the forefront of Local Actions project


Uzima Ari partnered with local government officials from Mbale City to introduce the Local Actions project “WalkWithMe: Healthier & Greener Journeys” with learners with disabilities, focusing on the topic of walkability advocacy, especially in Mbale.

The discussions included topics on road safety problems in Uganda, road safety policies, laws and regulations and safe road user behaviour for children with disabilities trained as trainers for the Training of Trainers (ToTs) Programme.

Apart from discussion and conversations, the learners shared challenges they face on the road with traffic officers through different modes of communication such as sign language.


To address the disability needs of public utility vehicle users, Uzima Ari also partnered with traffic police in Mbale to sensitise boda boda riders on safe road user behaviour in school zones. During sessions, learners with disabilities share their devastating experiences on the road.

The training was about risky road behaviours with a particular focus on safe speed within school zones and and drunk driving in collaboration with the Uganda traffic police and the in-school trainers.

Melisa Perez