LATAM takeover: Coalition holds first Instagram LIVE in Spanish


Earlier this week, 19 November, the Coalition’s members from the Latin American region led an Instagram LIVE completely in Spanish. The session was a way to engage members from the Latin American region. Currently, the Coalition has over sixty members from twenty countries from the Latin American region. It was led by the LATAM regional leaders and the Youth Members working group of the Youth Leadership Board. 

The session highlighted the experiences of the LATAM members within the Coalition. It was hosted by regional leader Sofía Aguirre Moreno and featured three guests; Aldo González Barrera, Nicole Perrone, and Andrés Felipe Agudelo Ospina. 


During the session, Sofí asked the three speakers about their respective projects and initiatives and how the Coalition helped support them in terms of resources, partnerships, platforms, and more.

Speaking with Aldo, one of the Coalition’s local actions winners, Sofí asked about how Aldo began his road safety journey but focused more on his local actions project, Retorno Seguro a Clases or Safe Back to School Challenge. 

His project focused on assessing roads, especially those around school zones. Currently, Aldo and his team from Liga Peatronal have led “diagnostic walks” in local areas around Mexico. He talked about how the Coalition supported his efforts from improving his skills in project management to supporting the implementation with funds, partnerships, and platforms. 


Meanwhile, Sofí asked Nicole about the Coalition’s activities and initiatives with Nicole elaborating on some of the social virtual events that give the members an opportunity to interact and connect. Apart from talking about road safety projects, members also bond as friends to give updates from their different regions or countries. 

Andrés, on the other hand, talked about how he has been localizing global events with his organization, the Latin American Road Safety Association. He discussed how the Coalition offers an active member of young leaders who can provide feedback and support and how it’s a safe space to communicate ideas and share opinions.

Get to know more about the resources the Coalition offers by signing up to join!

Maolin Macatangay