Local actions social media campaign reaches over 20,000 people


For his local actions project, Ami and his team conducted a number of teaching sessions in different schools on road safety. They also did radio talk shows that target young people and the entire whole community.

Before the summer holidays started in Rwanda, Ami and his team worked with students from 21 schools where they led different sessions on road safety. The team highlighted the top five factors that the Rwandan population needed to consider to decrease the mortality rate behind road crashes: wear a helmet, good behaviour for pedestrians, don’t drink and drive, wear a seatbelt and slow down.

After gathering the views of the students, Ami and his team prepared a social media campaign that aimed to teach the community. It focused on what students identified as the key factors for decreasing road crashes.


After five days of the social media campaign, Ami and his team recorded engagement from Africa, Asia, Europe, and America in terms of sharing and disseminating the road safety message created by the team. As a result, a total of 20,834 people have seen and interacted with the posts from Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

This served as a significant milestone for the project since it was able to inform and educated people from around the world.


”I want to remind young people that road crashes are the biggest killer of young people aged between 15-29 years. If you are young people reading this article, I encourage you to not keep silent, raise your voice, be engaged in road safety, and advocate for safer mobility to decision-makers whenever you are as a result road crashes will be decreased by 50% by 2030 as a target of a new decade of action.” - Nkumbuye Ami

Original article was written by Nkumbuye Ami

Maolin Macatangay