Youth Coalition Leaders Spearhead Webinar on Road Safety


8 May 2024 - UNITE 2030 hosted a Global Road Safety Forum where UNITE 2030 Ambassador and Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety Regional Leader Yasmine Al Moghrabi led the conversation. As a member of the two organisations, Yasmine sought to get more young people informed and involved in addressing the biggest challenge youth face: road traffic crashes. The webinar was one of the cross-cutting ways to reach more youth and promote the importance of road safety and sustainable mobility.

Joining her in the conversation was Global Youth Coalition Member and YOURS - Youth for Road Safety Capacity Development Manager Laura Daniela Gomez. Daniela spoke as a young person leading road safety initiatives locally, in her hometown of Bogota, Colombia, and globally.


Daniela spoke about how YOURS and the Global Youth Coalition are supporting young leaders in their efforts to improve road safety and mobility situations in their communities. She shared her experiences as an Impact Generator Challenge Winner and a Local Actions Winner, explaining how she led projects that improved raising awareness and mobilising youth in her community.

Daniela expressed how looking for creative means to get more people interested in road safety issues. She shared the story of how she and her team created a mural along the streets of Bogota, focused on the cycling experiences of women and other vulnerable road users.

She also shared how she had advocated to have more youth voices in official spaces such as the cycling committee so that young people are rightfully represented when it comes to issues that most affect them.


Yasmine also emphasised how more organisations should prioritise road safety, as it is an overarching issue that would result in the achievement of other targets under the Sustainable Development Goals.

Daniela echoed this comment, citing how YOURS has developed SDG Policy Briefs that talk more about the linkages of the Global Goals with road safety. Daniela also invited over 40 participants to enroll at the YOURS Academy - the definitive online e-learning road safety school where youth learn about the global road safety crisis facing them at their own pace and in an exciting environment.

Learn more about Daniela’s discussion points by clicking the links below;

Maolin Macatangay