Global Youth Coalition Member Feature: Elias Wagatai Maina


1. Where are you connected right now? Tell us about the work you're doing.
I am staying in Nairobi county at a place called the Kibera Slums. I am a volunteer for the Kenya Red Cross working on the VIA ROAD SAFETY program which deals with educating children on the importance of road safety for themselves and the community at large. We also work with the community by getting them involved in sessions where they are trained on road safety. They are trained to be educators who can go out and further pass the message of road safety to the community.

2. How did you first get involved in road safety and how long have you been working in the road safety and sustainable mobility field? 
I have first been involved in road safety three years ago through the Red Cross where I attended a training session on local road safety. It has always been something I’ve been very passionate about because I wanted to help curb the high mortality rate in the Kibra Slums where I live. I saw that some of the main reasons behind road crashes in the area are the negligence of motorcycle operators known as BODABODA RIDERS. After this training session, I became more intrigued. My journey began there.


3. Can you tell us about your area's road safety and sustainable mobility situation? 
Road safety in my area isn't great because of the negligence and lack of proper road user training. People in the slums don't take time to learn about road safety because their attention isn't on road safety but on surviving by getting food and shelter. But after the training I received from the VIA PROGRAM, in conjunction with the Kenya Red Cross, I was able to pass along the information to my community. I felt like this was helpful but it hasn't created the impact I would want. There is still a lack of proper funding and support for road safety education.

4. Why do you think it's important to include young people in local and global road safety efforts? 
It is very important for young people to be involved in the road safety program because it's young people who are greatly affected by road crashes. With youth making up the majority of the population, it will be a beautiful thing once we learn and pass the message of road safety on a large scale.

5. Why did you join the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety?
I joined the Youth Coalition to bring impact and change the way young people think about road safety, especially those living in the slums. I want to educate myself and remove the myths and misconceptions about road safety in my community and the country at large.


6. What are your comments on the Youth Coalition? Its activities? Its opportunities? 
The Youth Coalition is doing a phenomenal job of educating young people and creating awareness about road safety and sustainable mobility. Education is something we cannot take for granted. All I can say is God bless the Youth Coalition and that it continues with the amazing work it’s doing.

7. Any messages for people who have not yet joined the Youth Coalition? 
When it comes to opportunities I would want us young people on the ground to be seen. We need to work together because it's we who will face the community on a daily basis and have the opportunity to help it directly. If we can work together, the impact will be really great.