Global Youth Coalition Member Feature: Maja Sovina


1. Where are you connected right now? Tell us about the work you’re doing.
I am currently in Zagreb, the capital of the Republic of Croatia. For the last six years, I have been working as an Associate Expert in the Department for Traffic Signalling at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic
Sciences, University of Zagreb. From the very beginning, I worked on many professional and scientific projects related to road safety from the aspect of human behavior and road equipment (traffic signaling).

Apart from research activities, preparation of reports, and expert studies, I measured the quality of road markings and traffic signs on primary roads and highways in Croatia. Although the Department’s focus is on the quality of road markings and traffic signs, most of the other projects I work on involve these quality results and link them to projects aimed at increasing general road safety, such as increasing the safety of motorcyclists on certain roads, evaluating the effects of traffic signaling on driver behavior when visibility is limited, the influence of advertising on drivers, etc.

One project of European importance that I have worked on so far was funded by the EU Commission (Study on Common Specifications for Road Markings and Road Signs) and aimed at improving the readability and recognizability of road markings and road signs, both for human drivers and for ADAS systems, by establishing general performance requirements. A project of European importance that I have worked on so
far was funded by the EU Commission (Study on common specifications for road markings and road signs) and had the aim to improve the readability and detectability of road markings and road signs, both for human drivers and ADAS systems, by setting general performance requirements. Apart from project activities, I am involved in the organization of seminars and conferences.


2. How did you first get involved in road safety and how long have you been working in the road safety and sustainable mobility field? 
The first connection between me and road safety occurred during my master’s study where I got the opportunity to be involved in a project related to increasing safety on level crossings by raising the awareness of drivers about the danger they are approaching.

Back then I have been involved in promoting road safety to school children and later, after graduation road safety projects became my main job.


3. Can you tell us a little about your area’s road safety and sustainable mobility situation? 
Croatia, as a member of the European Union, follows all principles that are represented by it. In that regard, the main goal to be followed, in the aspect of road safety, is reaching Vision Zero by reducing road deaths to zero by 2050. Having that in mind, Croatia has developed a National Road traffic safety plan for the period 2021-2023 which aims to reduce road deaths. According to statistical indicators, road safety in the Republic of Croatia shows a trend of improvement from year to year. The mortality of road traffic participants in traffic accidents in 2019, in which 297 people died, is the lowest so far since the independence of the Republic of Croatia. That positive aspect is reached by better listening to the professionals and their suggestions when it comes to the improvement of road safety. In regard to mentioned, many roads and intersections that have been built years ago are being reconstructed to meet today’s needs. Sustainable mobility is represented by encouraging people to use park-and-ride facilities, bicycles, and e-scooters in cities. Education and safety awareness has recently been largely present through media and on national television which has a positive impact for sure.


4. Why do you think it’s important to include young people in local and global road safety efforts
Raising awareness of road safety from a young age can enable to influence drivers, passengers, and in the end, local authorities to undertake preventive measures in order to reduce traffic accidents and save lives. Young people are able to easily reach their peers, especially nowadays on social media. To convey beliefs and attitudes related to road safety that are not so difficult to follow but will bring safe outcomes. The effort and power of young people hidden in ideas and initiative will definitely encourage road safety engineers to take needed measures in order to develop the future we all envision because the world is left to the young.


5. Why did you join the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety? 
I joined the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety because I have seen the opportunity to get knowledge about various solutions for raising road safety level applied in other countries all over the world, to get in touch with other experts and engineers and to be included in road safety activities.

6. What are your comments on the Youth Coalition? Its activities? Its opportunities? 
I am delighted how many young people within Youth Coalition are involved in road safety promotion and activities on daily basis and how enthusiasm for better future can be widespread by only small acts of good will. I am thrilled that I am part of such a globe organization which provides numerous opportunities also for personal growth.


Through regular activities, workshops, and presentations the Youth Coalition will for sure attract more young experts

7. Any messages for people who have not yet joined the Youth Coalition? 
Do you want a better future for your family, friends, and yourself? Start today! Do not hesitate to join us on a life-changing journey where you can be the leader. Join our amazing team and help us to improve road safety and to put it in the first place because #ClaimingOurSpace brings us a safer future.

Melisa Perez