Global Youth Coalition Member Feature: Ulviya Abasova


1. Where are you connected right now? Tell us about the work you're doing.
I am from Azerbaijan. I work on addressing environmental problems based on transport impacts, especially those on climate change. I am one of the team leaders of the transport team and a regional leader for the European region for the Youth Coalition. I organize different projects and events like startups, hackathons, and challenges with local and international organizations and young people.

2. How did you first get involved in road safety and how long have you been working in the road safety and sustainable mobility field?
I had worked with transport and safety solutions based on climate effects since 2020 when I met with the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety and Youth for Public Transport (Y4PT). Our solutions include Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT), these solutions are for addressing sustainable mobility issues.


3. Can you tell us a little bit about the road safety and sustainable mobility situation in your area?
In Baku, our road safety infrastructures are improved by the government. It is better than it was 10 years ago. Our roads are shared with highways and bicycle lanes with the latter being a new feature in my country. Traffic is always a big problem because most people use private cars instead of public transportation. Our local companies organize events and projects which are directly linked to environmental awareness for the public. Day by day, new solutions and behavior come forward to improve road safety. Moreover, the death rate is low on the road in my country because pedestrian crossings are convenient and safe.

4. Why do you think it's important to include young people in local and global road safety efforts?
Young people have a major role in sustainability, especially when it comes to road safety and public transportation.  This is because youngsters can share their experiences with others. They can also easily influence others with their behavior and ideas. For example, in my experience young people in our country are more active than others; they participate in different local campaigns and challenges as volunteers. These would usually include instances of cleaning beaches and improving awareness about safety. They also create flashmobs and films.


5. Why did you join the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety?
My current major focuses on innovation and technology aspects for climate change, especially in reducing transport effects and advancing road safety. I want to get more experience in this field along with my friends from different countries. I want to gather more knowledge on the topic and share my ideas and thoughts with my peers.

6. What are your comments on the Youth Coalition? Its activities? Its opportunities?
It is a great platform for the young who has an interest in sustainable mobility, smart cities, road safety, and public transportation. The Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety has many opportunities for leaders and members, It has different events and even an academy where young people can find global road safety resources.

The Youth Coalition also has social hours. It has a pleasant and amazing atmosphere for everyone equally - you can share your ideas with members easily and everyone always tries their best for fellow members.

7. Any messages for people who have not yet joined the Youth Coalition? 
Guys, if you want to add some value to our environment, if you want to share your experiences, and if you want to meet amazing people - join the Global Youth Coalition. I strongly recommend it because we can understand the road safety problems of the world easier. It is a fact; we have one home!