Presenting the realities of youth through our global art exhibition


Our delegates for the High-Level Meeting on Road Safety with UN Special Envoy for Road Safety Jean Todt


During the High-Level Meeting on Road Safety, we hosted a global art exhibition that featured pieces that were inspired by our #ClaimingOurSpace campaign. Our artists represent the countries where the campaign was focused; Argentina, Brazil, India, Jordan, Nigeria, and South Africa. Our artists used different mediums to present the realities they face on the road.

The actual exhibition was held at the United Nations building in New York. There, delegates of the High-Level Meeting were able to go through our pieces by watching videos and checking out some of the paintings created by our artists specifically for the Meeting.

To give more people access to the global art exhibition, we also created a digital venue where young people from around the world can view the art pieces any time, anywhere. You can check it out below, too!


Our art exhibition had the goal of creating a powerful narrative around road safety and meaningful youth participation as told through six different artistic mediums. It also touched on the impact road crashes had on the lives of young people around the world, pressing on the urgent need for youth engagement in road safety policymaking and decision-making. 

Through the art pieces presented through the exhibition, we wanted to make youth voices more visible in the global agenda and decision-making process at the High-Level Meeting. We also wanted to gain support and commitment from decision-makers to implement a Policymakers Toolkit that we will be launching soon.

We wanted to sensitize delegates and the wider public about the benefits of meaningful youth participation and art in the implementation of the Global Plan of the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030.


Our delegates with Minister for Infrastructure of Sweden Tomas Eneroth


Through the art exhibit, we brought together six different artists from different backgrounds and disciplines. They were selected through a process led by Create2030. The six artists include Lucia Ladisa from Argentina, Salve Samuca from Brazil, Schwetta Bhattad from India, Noor Alawad from Jordan, Chidiebere IbE from Nigeria, and Ayanda Makayi from South Africa. Before working on the pieces, our artists attended an art residency on road safety so that they are aware of the road safety issue from a global perspective.

Our global art exhibition was curated by Create2030’s Lisa Russel.

Melisa Perez