Global Youth Coalition Member Feature: Brian S'Odama

5th Instalation of new Roadsafety task force members, Lira city.jpg

1. Where are you connected?

I don't have any big connections just yet apart from my mobilized team and volunteers at Roadways Uganda, my regional task force members, Rotaractors and Rotarians within Jinja city areas, and at the Global youth coalition for road safety, but I am slowly gaining ground in advocacy and getting invitations, which will slowly turn into connections.

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2. How did you first get involved in road safety? 

In 2016, there was an accident on a Kenyan highway (Thika Road) towards Nairobi involving about 30 vehicles (at the same spot at the same time) an accident that shook the whole of Eastern Africa and within that same week, there was an accident near my workplace where two transit trailers collided then it rounded two cars and a bodaboda rider and his two passengers on Iganga- Jinja highway to Kampala. I was one of the first people at the scene because it occurred as I left the office headed for lunch at home. 

Also, I commuted to University for my last course riding on my Honda CTX 200 at least 4 times a week covering a distance of about 220kms a day. 

These made me realize that there's much to be done in road safety as I witnessed corruption and bribery to skip protocols and cover-up driving offenses between enforcement personnel and the offenders, I witnessed recklessness, ignorance, and poor road use habits. I felt nothing is being done as every road user is on, and for their own. I then felt the pressure and the Voice-of-reason to do something. I thereafter created a platform to enable me to disseminate information on major roads in Uganda with some basics, tips, and tricks on safe and considerate road use. 


Road safety training for Rotaractors in Njeru.jpg

3. How long have you been working in the road safety and sustainable mobility field? 

I am now two years of active involvement in road safety and about 1 year and 4 months of the incorporation of sustainable mobility in our advocacy program. Earlier, I thought it was all about road safety but I later realized that safer roads also must have sustainable transport systems for mobility. Uganda Police at one time impounded a lot of commuter taxis and buses causing protests among transport owners associations leading to the suspension of taxis for about 4 working days, mobility was affected and people lost jobs for the reason. 

4. Tell us about the work you’re doing now?  

I am majorly doing media sensitization, expansion of District task force membership, we plan to start youth training in professional driving and road use skills and post-crash follow up soon. We launched SchoolZone in March 2020 but was disrupted by the pandemic. Our key areas are; Advocacy, youth training,  and public sensitization. 

Welcoming new Roadsafety task force members, Lira city.jpg

5. Why did you join the Global Youth Coalition for Road Safety? 

I pressed-on very much for the coalition in the preparatory sessions of the 2nd World youth Assembly in Stockholm and my idea was for (active) road safety youth advocates to find a platform, a rendezvous to reorg, capture the ground for the war against road traffic crashes that claims a million-plus people annually. I like the saying that "there's strength in numbers", the youth needed an umbrella to support each other, nurture ideas, build real strength, and lobby for external facilitation under one guidance as a pivotal pillar of support. 

Road safety and sustainable mobility system is a multi-stakeholder field that requires a voice of strength and determination. A Ugandan politician succumbed to Road Traffic Injury and it raised controversial questions with others asking why he didn't strengthen laws and regulations on road safety, and others asked why he kept quiet while hospitals lack drugs and emergency life-saving equipment. 

Weekly roadsafety Talk show @ Smart fm.jpg

6. What are your comments on the Coalition? Its activities? Its opportunities? 

The coalition is here now, a clear ground of strength to fight for change and positive results, we are set for the second decade of action, we weren't there in the first but we are here now for road safety; it's now or never, we launched and we are on track. 

The coalition has given opportunities for individuals to participate at the international level while strengthening their local activities and profiles for better involvement and results. 

I am glad to be part of the coalition, cheers to the advisory board and YOURS - For their determination and commitment. I call upon members of the coalition and all other road safety actors to coordinate, cooperate and support each other, we have put ourselves on the front line at an international level, the world will start to count on us, what shall we show at the end of the target period, excuses? Results? Or resentments? 


7. Any messages for people who have not yet joined the coalition?

I urge all the young change-makers, youth social Advocates, and road safety practitioners to come and add their voices. Your voice is your strength, use it for a cause to make your self and the people around you safe on the roads. Come we join hands "Harambee"!