UN Announces New Decade of Action for Road Safety: What Can Youth Do?
Photo Credits: UNICEF/Moldova/2019/Cernomorcenco
Youth have been key players in the road safety arena since the announcement of the first Decade of Action for Road Safety in 2011. Youth were listed as the most vulnerable when it came to road crashes. As a result, youth road safety leaders, activists, and advocates have taken the stand to lead the change for safer roads and sustainable mobility.
Earlier this August, the United Nations announced the New Decade of Action for Road Safety throughout 2021-2030. The need to meet SDG Target 3.6, halving the number of road-related deaths and injuries by the year 2030, is not greater than ever. Young people continue to lose their lives on the road. Enough is enough.
The New Decade of Action reiterates its invitation to governments to take leading roles in implementing activities in support of global road safety targets and encourages member states to promote road safety awareness and knowledge through education, training, and campaigns, especially among youth.
Photo from https://www.un.org/development/desa/youth/news/2020/07/iyd-4/